Adopting Google Cloud Platform (GCP) with SADA’s GCP services gives you proven cloud expertise tailored to your specific business needs.  

With GCP Cloud Foundation, SADA’s expert team of Solutions Architects, Cloud Engineers, and Project Managers will put you on the right path that meets your unique technical requirements.

We'll set you up for success by building a deployment-ready landing zone running on GCP which includes the configuration of the following:

  • Resource management
  • Identity & access management (IAM)
  • Networking  
  • Billing management
  • Logging and monitoring 

SADA has successfully implemented initial GCP configurations for leading businesses of all sizes in a broad range of industries. Your dedicated team of experts will apply their best practices to achieve your business goals, reducing risk and accelerating time to value. Enjoy the peace of mind that comes along with seamless execution, predictable results, and cost certainty.

What to expect

With GCP Cloud Foundation, we'll work with you over a 6-week engagement consisting of four milestones

Milestone 1: Discovery

Your current environment, architecture, and technical requirements will be evaluated

Milestone 2: Implementation

All components of the GCP landing zone for workload deployments will be built

Milestone 3: Validation 

SADA will provide you with your landing zone demo, and your team will perform User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

Milestone 4: Project handoff

You'll receive comprehensive training, and SADA will execute a full documentation handoff

Key Deliverables

SADA provides you with the resources you need to get the most out of GCP. These include: 

  • A production-ready environment
  • Personalized, hands-on training
  • Technical design document
  • GCP architecture diagram
  • Infrastructure-as-code (IaC) templates

Contact us to get the most value out of your GCP foundation in 6 weeks!